
1.6 KiB

A+Attendance CLI

This is a CLI utility initially created for students at Florida Polytechnic University to submit their A+ attendance codes, but can be used for other universities using Canvas and A+Attendance.


To compile this program, you need go installed as well as need to set two environment variables in your shell's configuration file (like ~/.profile or it's rc file) for your Canvas instance URL and your account's API key.

Getting an API key

When logged into your university's Canvas site, go to Account -> Settings -> New Access Token -> (give any name or expiration date) -> store the Token somewhere.

Setting the Environment Variables

In your shell's configuration file, add:

export CANVAS_INSTANCE="https://youruniversityhere.instructure.com"
export CANVAS_API_KEY="the_canvas_access_token_you_stored_somewhere"

# below not needed if go is already setup
export GOPATH=$HOME/.local/go
export GOBIN=$GOPATH/bin


Simply run go install codeberg.org/flpolyaplus/aplus@latest.


Show help message

aplus --help

List all courses and canvas course codes

aplus --list-all

List favorite courses and canvas course codes

aplus --list-favorites

Enter code for a specified course

aplus --code <code> --course <canvas_course_number>

If no course is specified, the code is tried on all active courses.

Show timetable for a specified course

aplus --timetable --course <canvas_course_number>



Gitea (vineetk)